What Types Of Dumpster Rental Containers Are Available?

Renting a dumpster can offer you a convenient way of getting rid of a large amount of waste when you need to. Activities such as home renovations, gardening, and spring cleaning can generate a surprising amount of waste. If you're not prepared to handle all this waste, you could find yourself with a backyard full of trash.

Dumpster rentals allow you to rent dumpsters of different sizes for a certain period of time depending on your needs. There are different types of dumpster rental containers that you can choose from too.

Front-Load Containers

On the smaller side of the spectrum, front-load or front-arm containers offer excellent value for people who have relatively smaller dumpster needs. These types of dumpster containers are identifiable by their plastic lids which can be opened or closed as required. Large containers may have a plastic sliding door instead of the lid.

These types of containers are usually available in four main sizes; 2, 4, 6, or 8 cubic yards. They can be used for homes, office buildings, churches, restaurants, health-care facilities, etc.

RORO Containers

Also known as roll-off containers, these types of dumpsters are very popular where there are commercial properties and among homeowners with large projects going on. The common sizes of these containers are 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40 cubic yards.

These containers can be put in place as either permanent or temporary rentals for commercial establishments while residential customers usually rent them when they need them. These types of containers normally have an open top.


If you are generating a high quantity of recyclable materials or waste, a compactor can be the ideal solution for you. These containers are designed to maximize the amount of space you use, allowing you to put in a lot more material than you'd be able to in a similar sized container of another type. This is made possible by the systems inside the container which compact the trash so they take up much less space.

These types of containers will require electricity and will cost you more initially. However, the fewer collections will save you money in the long run.

Choosing the Right Container

When it comes to choosing the best container, this will be determined by your needs. A compactor may be a good option, but unless you have a large amount of trash, its capacity will be wasted. Therefore, you should consider both your short- and long-term needs carefully before you pick a container.

For more information, contact a company like Area Disposal.
